Tuesday, November 18, 2008


for our digital class we had to put together a pano. 
when we got the assignment i automatically got this idea.


i've been recently blessed with the opportunity to work with ricky proehl and youth pastors from almost five of the "mega youth groups" in greensboro. we've all decided to come together and work on making One Night where kids from all different churches can come together and unite as one body of believers. 
ricky offered to frank (from OnFireYouth) to host this event and its been really awesome.
i asked ricky if i could come in and shoot his indoor football field and he was more than happy to let me come in and photograph. 


Anonymous said...

Great symmetry. The lines really lead you in and spread out to encompass the whole image. The color looks good too. Nice job!

Anonymous said...

Really cool Hannah! I love the tones you got in the grass and the lights on the roof.